Department of English
English Home

Our Mission
We are a dynamic, multifaceted community of writers, readers, and thinkers dedicated to teaching and learning. We inspire curiosity and promote creativity. We engage students – at both the undergraduate and graduate level – in critical inquiry by fostering connections among writers and readers of texts, ancient and modern, global and local. Because we believe in the power of language, we study it, shape it, and use it to improve our world.
Information for Visitors and Current Students
The English B.A. and B.S. offer a broad background in literature, with the option of pursuing a concentration in Creative Writing, Secondary Teacher Licensure, Literary Studies, Writing, or Literature and Culture. We also offer courses in rhetoric, linguistics, and film studies.
At the graduate level, we offer the Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in English.
The following links provide additional helpful information:
- Affiliated Minors
- English Department Awards and Scholarships
- Internships in English
- General Education English
- MTSU Write
More general information can be found in Student Resources.

What’s New?
Visit our News blog for up-to-date information about the presentations, presentations, awards, and accolades of the MTSU English Department.
Contact the English Department Web Manager
“Indulge your imagination in every possible flight”
— Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
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Contact Us
Department of English
Mailing Address:
Department of English
Middle Tennessee State University
Box 70
1301 East Main Street
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
Main Office: Peck Hall 302
Chair: Dr. Stephen Severn
Telephone: (615) 898-2648